As I sit here 1:38am (pacific time) while my whole family is asleep I’m trying to think of something extra special to say. But, words can’t express how I feel right now. The completion of my website leaves me just one step away from full filling my dream of writing, illustrating, and self publishing/distributing my series of children’s books. Its been a long time coming. 4 years ago I sat on my couch about this time, but on the east coast😜, Converting what started out as stories about a water(mermaid)family into a more diverse setting and character. An inquisitive little girl with a vivid imagination whom I later named Tissy Rose. Then I started drawing, (NOT sketching because I thoroughly suck at that) several faces and hair style ideas and after many hours of visual brainstorming I created the sweet girl we all know today as Tissy Rose. Man, I still can’t believe this is happening. Where there’s a will there’s a way! And it’s never too late to follow, pursue, and fullfill your dreams. I am ever so thankful🙏🏾 GN💜🍓🌴🍬🍑🍪🍭🌾💦🌺